◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇ 举报上海财经大学统计与管理学院副院长、海归副教授尤进红严重抄袭 其学院介绍信息网页: http://statistics.shufe.edu.cn/jsp/sh_edu/browser/2.jsp?name=youjinhong&identity=46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   统管学院海归副院长尤进红文章中,涉嫌雷同文章多达十几篇,很多是自我 抄袭的,也有不少是抄袭他人文章,部分证据如下:   (一)以下5篇存在大段雷同   【1】You, J. Xie, S. and Zhou, Y. (2007). Two-stage estimation for seemingly unrelated   nonparametric regression models. J. of System Science & Complexity, 20, 509-520.   【2】Xu, Q., You, J.H. and Zhou B. (2008) Seemingly unrelated nonparametric models with positive correlation and constrained error variances. Economics Letters 99, 223–227   【3】Zhou B., Xu, Q., You, J.H. and (2011) Efficient estimation for error component seemingly unrelated nonparametric regression models Metrika, 73, 121–138   【4】Xu, Q., You, J.H. and Li X. (2011) Statistical inference on seemingly unrelated non-parametric regression models with serially correlated errors. Statistica Neerlandica 65, 297–318   【5】You, J.H. and Zhou, X. (2010) Statistical inference on seemingly unrelated varying coefficient partially linear models Statistica Neerlandica, 64, 227–253   其中,抄袭特别严重的是 【1,3】两文。【1】文自511页开始,1 - 27行 与【3】文, 124-125页,自124页19行开始,到125页11行,一字不改,完全雷 同。两文的结尾的 concluding remark, 有7-9行,完全雷同。事实上,【1,2, 3,4】四篇文章使用了完全一样的结尾。【5】文,232页,第三节开始有9行与 【1,3】两文完全雷同。   (二)以下3篇存在大段雷同   【6】You, J.H. and Chen, G. (2006). Estimation in a Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient   Partially Linear Errors-in-Variables Model. JMVA 97, 324-341.   【7】Xu, Q. and You, J.H. (2007). Covariate Selection for Linear Errors-in-Variables   Regression Models.Communications in Statistics, Theory & Methods. 36, 376-386.   【8】You, J.H. Xu, Q. and Zhou B. (2008) Statistical Inference for Partially Linear Regression Models with Measurement Errors. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 207-222   其中,抄袭严重的是 【6,8】两文。【6】文自326页开始,3- 17行与【3】 文,208页开始,5-13行大量雷同。   (三)以下2篇存在大段雷同   【9】Zhou, X and You J., (2004) Wavelet estimation in varying-coefficient partially linear regression models, Statistics & Probability Letters 68, 91–104   【10】You, J.H. and Chen, GM. (2006) Estimation of a semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear errors-in-variables model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 97, 324-341   雷同之处主要出现在引言部分,两文共有14-15行完全一样。   (四)部分雷同的出处为他人文章:   【11】Fan, Wu and Feng (2009), Lcal Quasi-likelihood with a parametric guild, AOS;   【12】Wang, Lin, Gutierrez, and Carroll(1998) Bias Analysis and SIMEX Approach in Generalized Linear Mixed Measurement Error Models, JASA 249-261   【13】Linton and Mammon (2003). ESTIMATING SEMIPARAMETRIC ARCH MODELS BY KERNEL SMOOTHING METHODS   【14】Fan, J. and Huang, T. (2005). Profile Likelihood Inferences on Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models. Bernoulli, 11, 1031-1057   例如,【7】文,376页 1-5行,与【12】文 20-25行雷同。其他问题类似, 比如把别人论文的abstract 的一两句话完全拷贝放到自己文章的结尾里面。 (XYS20130325) ◇◇新语丝(www.xys.org)(xys7.dxiong.com)(xys.ebookdiy.com)(xys2.dropin.org)◇◇