I have long been interested to talk this issue.
If science is a religion, I would be the most fanatical and extreme one. Obviously I am the minority. (Too bad the word Scientology was already misused, just like nazi and it’s symbol.)
Most people talk about science, the usual phrase is double edge sword, like it’s just an object could be used .either way, like gun owners say about gun. Clinton when as president wrote in journal science preface, science lead to be guided by morality/ ethics. Even fang always say ethics and science together.
To me it’s unnecessary, science is not simply objective, it covers everything including ethics. Science basically is studying everything, as carried out by our humans, science purpose is to serve our interests.
I like to argue we all want to be a better person, not because it’s under pressure, or like a burden.
it serves our own interest: peace of mind.
Every body craves for that, especially after meeting basic needs. Even the most twisted minded like hitler, Stalin, mao too. Hitler as quite some insiders wrote was quite shy and mild behaved in private, he was quite nice towards his mistress and dog, and no doubtt he truly believed Jews were evil. Mao in his poems many times said the only way to save mostpeople is to kill some people. In those twisted way they found their own peace.
We normal ones do good things foremost is to serve own interest we want to have morale high ground. Why so many soldiers after bloody fighting, even glorified as heroes when home, often suffere ptsd, it,s because war is against science, against human nature, no matter how politicians try to glorify it. The best way to deal with bad stuff is always through education, dialogue and patience. No wonder most scientists are peace lovers.
Even before atomic bomb made, many scientists already had worries. There’s eveidnece germany scientists tried and successfully made nazis lacking interest in its development.
I am not saying evil or bad scientists not there, but I am certain among all professions scientists are the most conscientious .
Many fear scientiists or science gone too far, like now with ai. Or feal certain studies resulted in not PC conclusions. Don’t worry about it:
just like atomic weapons, scientists were the first to demand guardrails and restrict ions, and all advances such as biotechnology,
What if science on homo sexuality or ethnicity studies not so PC? Say if science really said there were certain genetic distributions chance of blacks less intelligently developed or more prone to violence, as j Watson likesto believe. Even if it’s true, (which so far no evidence even close, all pointed to white, yellow, black races are just social defined lacking strict scientific definition), as indeed scientists found already frequently certain ethic groups higher preponderance of bad genetics resulting in higher chance of certain diseases:
Scientists will conclude that the best way to deal with it is medical treatment to correct or compsensate for those genetic defiencies, just like what we should deal with handicapped or special challenged people.
Most studies say homo is mostly genetics, but no matter what final verdict, scientists in this field will telll society the best way is to leave this group alone, just like we should treat all diversity.